Your donations help us continue to support our community’s health and well-being and to honor our commitment to keep care affordable and accessible for everyone in our community who needs us – regardless of their income. As costs of running a business in the Bay Area rise, we remain committed to our mission of offering skilled compassionate care and keeping it affordable and accessible to folks of a wide variety of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.
Sarana is a unique kind of non-profit organization: the vast majority of our funds for running the clinic come from our affordable acupuncture fees. As a social business, we operate on an extremely tight budget with virtually no reserves. We are also not funded by any government or grant program. Our cash flow can fluctuate based on many factors, such as seasonal volume and staff turn-over. While our low sliding scale is intended to keep the clinic doors open and bills paid, but we make every effort to reduce our fee as much as possible, below the sliding scale for folks who need significantly more treatment than they can afford. Your support enables us to do this with greater ease and frequency without compromising financial stability of our organization.
Become a Sarana Sustainer
Our Sustainer Program aims to ensure we will be here to serve our community for many years to come. As a Sarana Sustainer, you make a convenient, ongoing monthly donation, auto-deducted from your account until you decide to stop or change it. Even a small monthly gift can make a huge difference!
Having a stable group of sustainers will support Sarana through the rise in overhead costs and other economic fluctuations, and to allow us to plan for things like:
Hiring more practitioners and expanding clinic hours and services
Paying living wage and offering benefits to our staff
Equipment and space upgrades
Doing outreach work in the community and developing acupuncture programs offsite
Offering even more below sliding scale treatments to those who cannot afford our regular low sliding scale
We are also of course happy to accept one-time donations donate in person at the clinic, or by mail.
All your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Sarana Community Acupuncture is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and a registered California Public Benefit Corporation. Click here for our secure donation form – it is quick and easy to use. You will automatically receive an email receipt upon completing your transaction.
Thank you for your support!
Clinic Wish List
If you prefer to donate supplies rather than money, we have an Amazon wish list of items the clinic could use. Find our wish list by clicking here.
Thanks for your support!